Sadly I am coming to the end of my Duchess shows in Alice at the ROH, but look forward to seeing all my friends in Japan and introducing her to them in July.

Just recently I invited a really wonderful, positive and brave young lady, Ellen Bisci into my dressing room before a performance to photograph my preparations for the Duchess.

I like to do my own make-up which takes about an hour and a half to complete, whilst Murielle from the Royal Ballet Wig Dept helps secure the wig/headdresses and most importantly eyelashes! This gave Ellen the chance to capture the transformation.

Ellen Bisci is 17 and has been battling Leukaemia for the past 7 years. Despite regular visits and treatment at Great Ormond Street Hospital, Ellen is currently doing her GCSE in Photography and had a choice of topics to choose from. She decided to opt for 'Alice in Wonderland' and to help, I offered her the chance to take some photos backstage and whilst I was doing my make-up. I was so impressed with Ellen and her talent and passion for photography. The results were brilliant and I thought it would be nice to share them with you here.

All best wishes to Ellen for her exams and healthy, happy, bright and wonderful future filled with the success she clearly deserves.

Gary Avis getting ready for Alice
Gary Avis getting ready for Alice
Gary Avis getting ready for Alice
Gary Avis getting ready for Alice
Gary Avis getting ready for Alice
Gary Avis getting ready for Alice
Gary Avis getting ready for Alice